Friday, December 2, 2016

Hope Rains!

"I lift my eyes to the mountains - whence my hope comes."
Advent is a season of expectation...of hope.  But there are no mountains here in Kuwait. I have no problem with the other three themes of advent, love, joy and peace. We celebrate, reunite and the twinkle lights add a rosy glow to all that is right with the world.
But what should I hope for? Mountains? Better days? If I fall into that way of thinking; looking back at what I hoped for at this time last year, and how the reality of 2016 might have been less than what I had hoped for;  I begin to feel disappointed. I see only the walls of my classroom, the traffic on my commute to school and the images on my screen.  Nothing really changes.

It rained here in Kuwait. Yes, this is a desert, and it doesn't rain much in the desert.  It not only rained, but stormed with thunder and lightening. The traffic slowed to a crawl, and children shouted excitedly as if it was their first downpour. As I was contemplating the unexpected change in weather, a colleague came by to tell me that a two day holiday for Mohammad's Birthday had been declared, giving us an unexpected four day weekend. Things happen like that here. Just when you think the landscape, the weather, the daily grind will never change, that you are stuck in an infinite loop, things change. I was reminded that change is not only possible, but inevitable.
 Children understand hope.  They hope for something with a certainty that it will happen. They actively seek out that which they hope for. Why don't I do the same? I look forward to what I know is coming, if not yet.. then later.
I hope for a change in the weather, for warmer days, or cooler ones.  Spring will eventually be here.
I hope that when I come home each evening knowing that I did my best, I can rest in peace.
I hope that I will see my family again and spend time with them, being able to share in their joys and disappointments.
I hope for an opportunity to travel to far away places that I never dreamed of going before, to develop a sense of wonder and an appreciation for beauty in this world.
I hope that this time next year I will be able to look back and see things differently.
 I hope to find beauty, love, joy and peace wherever I am: here, home or far away.  Enjoy the season and look forward with hope!

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