Friday, April 22, 2016

Sights that Satisfy

Most sights are not designed to satisfy.  We are constantly shown that perfect house, car or person, and made to feel dissatisfied enough to go out and spend money.  Of course, those visions of beauty are all lies.  They are unobtainable despite the price tag.
But now we look at nature, here today and gone tomorrow, and we are satisfied.  We take a picture to remind us of that perfect moment.  We know the colors will fade and change. We feel lucky to have the fleeting experience with a part of our changing world. We appreciate the ripeness of the time.
Sofia is at its best.  The flowers beds are in bloom, the green looks fresh and the snow
capped mountain is visible high above against the clear blue sky of spring. The lilac bushes hide the litter in the canal.  The wisteria vines climb up the crumbling brick walls.  And the tourists are out taking pictures on their walking tour of the city before heading into the hills.
The sight of bright yellow tulips and the clean spouting fountain are uplifting and satisfying.  They satisfy because we are aware that we have encountered the city at its best.  We are grateful to be here at this time.
That is what makes traveling so satisfying for me. I view beauty that doesn't make me feel like my life is lacking, or that I am missing out by not being what money can buy.

We are on our way to northern Greece and I know I will appreciate its rugged beauty and be refreshed. It won't be the best weather, and the hotel is 'budget', I will feel thankful that I don't live in this remote isolation, and I will be glad to come home again.  We can only enjoy what is fleeting by accepting that it is only perfect in that moment.

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